Friday, February 16, 2007

This blog may be too popular

The other evening I was working in the library when a rather nasty storm hit.
Classes were canceled. Which is kind of stupid because classes were already in session and by the time the classes were scheduled to be over with the storm would have passed. It was like saying “Hey, it is thundering and lightning, raining like hell, about to start hailing, and there is a possibility of tornadoes. Why don’t you run outside, get into your car and go driving in it.”

I was standing in the foyer looking at the rain and marble sized hail beating our cars with one of my professors who happens to be a very nice lady. She had just got off the phone talking to her kids to make sure they were inside and safe. (They were not of course. They were outside watching hail beat the heck out of people’s cars as well. Maybe they don’t have cable. I dunno.)

Making conversation I start to tell what I considered to be an interesting story.
Mid-sentence she stopped me and said “This story doesn’t involve glass eyes or dog poo does it?”

If this doesn't make any sense to you then go see "The Glass eye" post in the January 2007 Archive

1 comment:

Julie-Anne said...

Your cable comment made me did your "go drive in it" comment. very witty, you are!