Friday, February 16, 2007

GI Joe with kung fu grip

Watch the original 70's commercial here


Anonymous said...

So, what DOES GI stand for? :-)

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I actually became hooked enough to read ALL of your previous blogs (in one sitting, but it didn't take long). It is rare that you meet someone in real life that has this great of a sense of humor, and with such talented writing skills. I won't show you my big titties (because they really aren't that big, honestly), but I will add your blog to my list of obsessions (along side all the gossip sites I read daily).

Jake said...

GI = Government issue.
As in GI boots; GI canteen; GI everything else.
GI Joe originally appeared as a comic strip and later on as an action figure that used to be a foot tall toy. Later incarnations of GI Joe were only big enough to fit in your pocket.
This is the one they sold when I was a little kid. I never had a GI Joe. But remember that commercial from saturday morning cartoons.

Unknown said...

I love the way you write. You make law school and the rest of your busy life seem inconsequential. Keep it up.

Jake said...
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Jake said...
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Jake said...

It is hard to argue with the "lord". Maybe I will go study.