Thursday, February 22, 2007

I can't write it.

Due to the popularity of this blog and the fact that people read it that I would otherwise write about – I am unable to say some things that I would like to say.
So I decided to make a list and if you read the blog you can pick the comment that goes to you. You know who you are. They are no particular order.


I can not believe the number of incredibly negative responses that I received to this blog. There were 15 separate comments. Almost all has been redacted because some of the things that were mentioned people automatically thought applied to them. Others thought that one applied to them when I actually meant for another to apply to them.
In particular item 2 specifically did not apply to the person who probably believes that it did.
Two of the items have been remedied and the other ones never will be.
I would like to remind my readers that I in NO WAY mean for this blog to be a place which I would ever air my personal grievances against anyone. I simply was ranting and thought some of it was funny.

However, I stand by number 4. :-)


Unknown said...

This one is funny. It sounds like a lot of these are directed at female friends. If each of those is for a different girl, you seem to be doing well in that department.

Jake said...

Dear lord,

This seems odd because being "lord" you should know about this. We have had several conversations regarding these individuals.
It is because of your unfamiliarity with this and the fact that you spell "lord" with a small case "L" that I beleive that you may not actually be "the" lord.

I beleive it is my duty to inform you that the actual Lord may take issue with your use of his name. You will have to check - but I beleive that this name is copyrighted / trademarked or at the very least he would take isssue with your taking of the name. The Vatican may have the records you seek or perhaps the US patent office.
For the sake of your mortal soul, I recomend reconsidering the "handle" you have chosen.

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that you misspelled "believe" three times in the second paragraph.
I agree with the "Lord". Many of these comments do sound as though they refer to many girls, you must have quite a list, so I wonder if I am the only one number four refers to.