Thursday, February 22, 2007

The evil gatekeeper and my appointment

I have an apt the other day. Like a good boy, I was early. I walk in and of course the secretary asks if I have an appointment.

Me: "Yes of course I do. I have a 2pm appointment."
Secretary: "Oh, I sent you an email that she might be a little late. It may be 2:15 before she gets back. Didn’t you check your email?"
Me: "Yes ma’am. I just checked it about 10 minutes ago."
Secretary: "Maybe it was a different email address. Do you have another one that you didn’t check?"
Me: "No ma’am. I actually checked all my email about 10 minutes ago."
Secretary: "Oh well maybe it didn’t go through."
Me: "That is ok. I’ll wait. Is it ok if I sit here?"

The secretary gives me a dirty look, a half smirk and nods. She closes a half finished game of solitaire and proceeds to shuffle some papers and tries to look busy. I know that is what she is doing because I have done it a million times before and I know what it looks like.

So I am sitting there thinking and making out a to-do list (note that a to-do list is almost as helpful to me as a mental note – but sometimes it helps to put things in order) I look up every once in a while and the secretary is eye-balling me and looking pissed off.

I was sitting there doodling and all of a sudden I realize:
This lady doesn’t even have my email address. She doesn’t even know what my first name is. There is no possible way that she could have sent me an email.
She was just flat out lying because she didn’t want me waiting in her office. She wanted me to leave, call back, reschedule, and go through this whole thing again. Just so she can goof off.

Why do people do that? There was no need for it. I stewed about it for a minute and was about to call her on it by asking her to what email address that she had sent the note.

About the time I was about to approach her, my appointment walked in and escorted me to her office. (Right on time by the way. If I had left and rescheduled this same office troll would be the one that gave me a hard time for having to reschedule for not showing up.)

I have worked in an office a few times and have never really liked all the pseudo drama that occurs. It just amazes me that people that work in offices become so engrossed in their little cubicle that the real world doesn’t matter to them. For all this lady knows, I drove 50 miles to get to this appointment. She didn’t care. It just upset her plan to screw around and do nothing. What a looser. That is what home is for. You go home, sit there and when somebody calls and asks what you are doing, you say “nothing”. You’ve got a job to do. Freaking do it. You take phone calls, make appointments, and whatever else you boss tells you to do with your miserable existence for 8 hours. Then you get to go home a goof off.

Not on my time lady! Now get to shuffling those papers!

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