Monday, February 05, 2007


I got a new prescription for contacts Thursday.
I went to the optometrist at one of the local Wal-Marts. I know, I know. Entrusting your eyesight to the evil empire and all. But to tell the truth they have good prices and a pretty good doctor.
The doctor dilated my eyes. That kind of sucked. I was pretty much blind for a bout an hour or so. For some reason I am more sensitive than most people to drugs.
My pupils were as big as saucers. The optometrist said that I looked like I was stoned. I thought I looked more like I had insane cartoon squirrel eyes. Either way, apparently I was sensitive to the dilation drug and my eyes were really, really dilated. The doctor said something about people with light colored eyes being more sensitive to the drug.

All I know is that I had to wander around Wal-Mart until I could see well enough to drive home. This was obviously an evil plot by Wal-Mart to make me buy useless crap. And it worked.
Since I couldn’t see anyway, I turned on the TV and fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up it was to the history channel with a show about how farm tractors work.
Wow, they spent tens of thousands of dollars to produce this show and the only people who are watching it are either high or too lazy to change the channel.

It was about 4 hours before my eyes were somewhat back to normal.

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