Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A woman scorned

Oh what fun!
Today in class a girl raised her hand to ask a question. Someone started coughing in the back. She stood up, turned around, and lit into them. The tyrade lasted about 30 seconds and she threw in something about slackers and canned briefs.
I didn’t understand what was going on at first. This is one of only 2 classes that I have with this group of students. I just figured that it was another 1L flipping out. After class I cornered one of my 1L buds and she gave me the low down on what had really happened.
Apparently it had been going on for some time. Every time she spoke up in one of her classes one of the guys in the back would cough.
The professor intervened. He didn’t know what was going on and neither did a lot of us.
Apparently she learned of the intended interruptions over lunch from a friend who told her. (She being previously unaware). She also apparently took offense to this, being as it was coming from the resident class frat boy slackers.

Her message was clear.
"I don’t care if you don’t like me asking questions or think that my questions are stupid. I pay a lot of money to ask any damn thing I want. If you don’t like it come get some!"

I love a girl with a streak of fire in her!

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