Monday, January 29, 2007

The things you learn about yourself (you may not want to know)

Last weekend (actually weekend before last – this last weekend I was busy getting over the cold that had flared back up) I attended the birthday party for a guy in my law school.

Upon arrival in the historic section of Montgomery I found the nice little house where I was supposed to be. I went into the house and didn’t see a single person that I knew. Lots of people from all walks of life. The crowd was eclectic. (that is another big word that means I didn’t know anybody there).
I finally found someone who pointed me toward the group of law students that had congregated on the back deck. If you don’t already know, Law school sucks most of the social skills out of you and you only have stuff in common with other law students. It should also be noted that nothing (and I mean nothing) so takes over your mind that you think of nothing else as the study of the law. So much so that you may revert back to childhood behavior in order to cope. Here in lies the only reasoning that I can possibly think of that explains my actions earlier last semester.
I’ll explain.

I found my law school buddies and sat down to chat.
Somewhere around the third beverage, a friend piped up.
(Warning – bathroom humor)

Friend: “I caught my self doing that thing.”
Me: “What thing?”
Friend: “I had to pee and caught my self singing. “
Me: “Singing what?”
Friend: “That song you did that day.”
Everybody: Laughing
Me: “What song?”
Everybody: More laughter
Friend: “One day you were in hurry in the bathroom and were standing there singing “Urine, Urine, Urrriiiiiiiine” ”
Note: this sounds incredibly like “you’re in, you’re in, youuuuuuuur iiiiiin”
Everybody: Laughing uncontrollably
Chick friend: “I was driving home over the holidays and had to go in a gas station but couldn’t go. I caught myself singing “Urine, Urine, Urrrriiiine” ”
Me looking shameful: “Dang, the things you find out about yourself from people you know.”
Chick friend: “You didn’t know that everybody knew about that? Everybody knows about that. I even know about it and I’m a girl.”
Awkward silence
Me, looking at the house full of people that don’t know me: “I think I’ll go mingle.”

Some people sing in the shower. Apparently I sing while I pee.
You learn something new everyday. Sometimes you learn something new about yourself.

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