Sunday, February 11, 2007

Brent and Rebekha sittin' in a tree kay eye es es eye en gee

One of my best friends and my ex-roommate got engaged on Saturday. He pulled it off without a hitch. She said yes. I believe that he was pretty sure of himself because he had some of our friends hiding nearby taking pictures of the proposal.
I made sure to tell him that his sex life was almost over and that she would immediately start putting on weight, but he wouldn't be detered.
He joked about me being the "ring bearer". I said "Whatever dude, chicks love a guy in a tux. I'm in."

Below is the bulletin that she posted on Myspace. I copied it and put it here (minus all the pictures) because they are good friends of mine and I am proud for them both.

A few days ago, Brent asked me if I wanted to celebrate Valentines Day on Saturday, February 10, 2007, because I have Spanish class on Wednesday nights. On Saturday morning, Brent said he wanted us to go on a picnic in the Shakespeare Park for lunch. He said he had to go pick out a Valentines gift for me, and he asked me to pick up some lunch for our picnic. (I still had to go buy his gift too). At one o’clock, we packed our lunch and a blanket and started walking toward the park. It was really cold, so I tried to talk Brent into us just stopping and having our picnic in this open field, but Brent insisted that we should keep walking. We came to a hill, and Brent said, “The other side of that hill looks like a good spot.” When we got the other side of the hill, there was a blanket and two dozen pink and white roses waiting. The picnic spot was set up right next to the water, and the view was beautiful. Brent gave me my gift to open. It was a book entitled “365 Days of Happiness.” I started looking through it, and Brent said, “I got it for you, because I want to make you happy 365 days a year for the rest of your life.” Then I looked up at him, and he had an absolutely gorgeous ring in his hand. I immediately started crying. He said, “Will you marry me?” I hugged and kissed him, and he said, “Is that a yes? Did you say yes?” I said yes, and then he told me that our friends Amanda and Kenny were hiding nearby taking pictures. Now we have pictures of the whole proposal.We haven’t set a date yet, because we’re still deciding on location. We both want a destination wedding. The ring is a round one carat solitaire. Its absolutely beautiful.

Good luck you two.

I accidentally deleted two comments when I hit the wrong button - sorry. Feel free to repost them and I will make sure they get up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fine. You can be ring boy as long as i get to be the flower girl!!! i'd be the best flower girl.