Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Night Owl

Not much to report today.
It is 1 in the morning and I am the only person (I think) at the law school. I shut down the library around midnight and kicked out all the Faulkner Univ. students who were there studying for finals. The law students had long since left.
I sat in one of the class rooms with some buds going over criminal law for a while but they bailed about 12:30 or so.

Civil Procedure is on Friday and then I have two tests next week (Crim. law on Monday afternoon and Con. Law on Tuesday morning – then work at the law library on Tuesday night till midnight) This means that I have to either prepare some more during the week for these two tests or do it all this weekend. Civ. Pro. might not be the hardest test but it is surely the one that offers the most opportunity for confusion and trip ups. Crim. Law I expect to be mostly elements and Con law is…… Well, hell, it is Constitutional Law. Theoretically it is pretty challenging.

Well, I hear security coming around to lock up the building since they think no one is here. So I will say goodbye for now.

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