Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday night

Ok, so I avoided a complete and total mauling by the bear named "Civil Procedure Test". I may have escaped with only minor injuries.
However, (I swear to God that I have never started a written sentence with the word “However” until I started law school) His brother bears named “Criminal Law Test” and “Constitutional Law Test” are hot on my trail and hungry for blood.
If I “bob” when I should have “weaved” then I am a gonner.

Once again at midnight (this time on a Friday – OMG I need my freaking life back) I am the ONLY person now at the law school. It has been deserted by all but me since sometime around 10pm. I commandeered a conference room and now sit at the head of the board. Ok, so it isn’t really. But I am sitting at the big table all by myself and it makes me feel important if only for a short period of time.
My plan to get naked and run all willy-nilly through the halls of the law school was thwarted when I realized that the really bored security guy having to sit in front of the camera monitors all night may actually take the time to tape it and then post it on the internet because he has nothing else to do. So…..

I got another email from a friend that wanted to know if I was still alive. I actually took the time to respond to this one because I need to take a break from studying. I have not read a book that was NOT written by someone named Glannon or Emanuel or the good folks at Barbri, since forever. I need a break. My brain is full. I am tired. I am stressed. I am rushed. I am at wits end. When I get like this I usually take time out to go look at some of Norman Rockwell’s paintings online and it makes me feel better because everything is good there - and then there is balance in the world. Everything makes sense.
If I had the option of him painting me into any one of his paintings right now I don’t really know which one I would want to be in.

Because any place besides this law school would not seem like home.

As bad as this all sucks right now.
As bad as this all is.
As bad as it all seems.

This is where I belong.

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