Monday, December 04, 2006

first final is over

Today I had my first final for the semester which was property. The dean of our law school taught this semester and I was able to find about 7 of his previous tests (most of which with model answers and covered an entire decade) from the Pepperdine web site. He used to teach there. Between that and the two finals that I had from him since being at my school I pretty much thought I knew what he was going to ask.
Out of all the tests that I was able to look at, this was by far the hardest.

Before I even got to school my buddy called and asked me to come pick him up. His truck had been broken into over the course of the night and his radio, cd changer and whatnot were gone. He didn’t have time to call the cops before the test so we decided to do it afterwards. I picked him up and we proceeded to the school.

The proctor passed the exams down the row, carefully counting out each one. She came up short on every row. How do you do that? I mean miscounting once, maybe twice is excusable but damn.
Anyway we all get the exam and proceed to start the software for softest (Examsoft – Hey, this may be Alafreakinbama but technology hasn’t completely passed us by), and sure enough every other computer in the room restarts with that stupid annoying “taaadaaadaaa”. This is after the poor woman has asked everyone to mute their computers. So after diligently listening to the instructions I shoved a set of ear plugs in and went to work. The earplugs being quite useful because at least 50% of the class has depth perception problems and punches the keyboard with each stroke using the same force as Mike Tyson hitting a heavy bag.

By the end of the multi-state portion (that’s multiple choice to the rest of the world) I would have agreed that the answer was a shifting reversionary contingency interest in the remainder of a 3rd parties contract liability that did not violate the rule of perpetuities due to the second charity exception or something to that effect. (Don’t worry, if you didn’t understand enough about property law for that last sentence to be funny then you understand almost as much as I do.) At this point I chose the letter of the day which is “C”, because that is what I hope to salvage out of this test.

The first essay wasn’t horrible but there wasn’t enough time to finish it.
The second essay was so convoluted that there was no clear answer or way to argue it. Maybe I will post more about it after the A.D.D. folks finish taking their 6 hours to take the test (remind me to rant about that later).

We got back to my buddies place and called the cops. Some short fat black chick who squeaks when she talks showed up 15 minutes later, spent 5 minutes writing his personal information and asking him if he had the serial numbers to his stolen stereo (honestly, who keeps track of that crap – apparently folks who are able to get their stolen merchandise back from the pawn shop – that’s who). No fingerprints, no elaborate CSI investigation. Just a “Call us if you find anything else missing.”
My buddy asks: “What happens now?”
She says: “I don’t know I don’t work crime. I just do traffic.”
I was thinking: “Well I guess the night stick, pepper spray, handcuffs, and 9mm are all to protect the cop from those darn murderous speed demons out there terrorizing the community. Wow, I run a stop sign and my ass is grass but as far as crime – oh well. I guess that means you can steal anything you want as long as you walk. But if the get away car is too speedy you may get a ticket.”

So that’s it. I have one test down and several more to go. The week is just beginning and it is not looking so great for the home team. I think I know a guy from back home that sells meth. Maybe he can talk to some folks, put in a good word and get me a job on a corner. Apparently if my corner is in Montgomery and I walk to work I will never get busted.

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