Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Law school debt and Myspace

Today I attended one of the two MANDATORY “law school debt workshops” that I am required to take prior to graduation. Apparently the Bar isn’t so happy about their members having to dip into client funds just to pay law school loans.
I went ahead and went to the one today because I could knock it out and only have one more to do before graduation (which is in the what seems like now unforeseeable future).
Anyway, we get into the mandatory meeting and it winds up being a freaking sales seminar with a guy trying to get us to consolidate out loans “right now” with company X.
The guy gave some tertiary information about loans in general and said that we are liable for them (duh).
If you are going to employ someone to council students on debt management a financial advisor might be a good choice. A representative of a loan corporation is not.

Loan consolidation guy did tell me one thing that was pretty funny.
Apparently loan companies go to great lengths to find clients. Lately they have taken to looking for their defaulting loan clients on where else: MYSPACE.

Hey look, I have a new friend request.

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