Thursday, March 29, 2007

It has been about a week since I have written anything. (I apologize about that to my loyal readers). The only reason that I am still up at this hour is that I am worried about a friend that was supposed to contact me.


The first week back to school has been hectic. Monday started the countdown – 6 weeks till finals. I am not exactly looking forward to that grueling procedure. I’d rather have all my teeth pulled at once. But it is coming like a freight train and there is nothing we can do to stop it. The stress is about to kick in again. It is a little scary. My grades are not exactly stellar and I don’t have a lot of room to screw up.

Things around my apartment today

To the Asian lady down the corridor:
What the hell are you cooking with. It smells like rotting fish and curry boiling. Stop doing that.

To the little girls playing on the grass this after noon:
The dance you were doing was one that I had seen once on a rap video. It looked slutty then when done by a full grown woman. I did not enjoy seeing it done by a pre-teen fat kid. I realized society is going to hell when I realized your older sister was teaching it to you. I realized that your whole family will probably go to hell when I realized your mom was watching as well. Please stop doing that.

To the kids getting off the school bus:
Look both ways you freakin’ idiots. You nearly get run over every day. The law of averages is going to catch up with you. I don’t want to have to point out to my friends the greasy spot on the pavement that used to be you.

To the repair men that work at my apartments:
Stop dropping stuff in the parking lot when you leave (tacks, screws, nails, bolts, odd pieces of metal). If I get a flat then odds are that you will too (law of averages or revenge – you decide).

To the grounds crew guys at my apartment:
Why do you hire an idiot to run the leaf blower? Why does he go to work insanely early?
Stop doing that.

To the ducks in the pond outside my apartment:
People enjoy seeing you in the daytime. They do not enjoy being awakened by your loud nocturnal activity at 3am. Stop doing that.

To the ghetto thugs who have an apartment across the parking lot:
Just stop everything in general and move away.

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