Monday, April 09, 2007

Sleep strategy for finals

My Sleep strategy for finals:

Get some!

A brain is like a sponge needs time to rest and process the information that you pour into it. Just so much is going to fit in there at any one time without spilling a bunch.
I spent my first day and a half in finals prep mode. I came home and finished dinner by 7pm. I talked on the phone for just a few minutes, and passed out for 2 hours.

Sleep is so important during finals prep. It gets precious towards the end, when time is running short. I have to remember that it can’t be sacrificed, especially the few days before finals. I have to come in rested AND prepared if I expect to do well.

The rest of my strategy:
To borrow a line from “Cool Hand Luke”, I have to get my “mind right”. This means I have to actually sit down and psych myself into understanding the weight and importance of what is now happening. In other words – I will scare myself into “wanting” to study.
Get plenty of rest (see above)
Take care of my self
Take my vitamins (Flintstones don’t get it – I’m a grown man. I need the good stuff)
Eat right (it is so easy to not do this during finals)
No alcohol (goodbye you sweetly brewed, delicately aromatic, nectar of the gods)
Keep my personal life free from strife and drama
(Attention Dramaters: If you have some Drama to disperse, do it now while I have time to deal with it. If you spring it on me right before or during finals. You will deal with an unholy wrath that will consume your very soul. Don’t do it! I know you want to. You folks always do. Don’t even think about it!)
Remember what is important (School, health, personal life).
Concentrate on what is important
Pour it on for the next 4 Weeks

Good luck to you all.
It is time to Strap in, Buck up, and hold on.

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