Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year's trip

My parents gave me some money for Christmas. Which was nice, considering my perpetual state of brokness.
I decide to put it in my savings account. I carry the check to the drive through where they promptly (5 minutes of sitting at the window) tell me that they will put a hold on it until the check clears. “No problem, it is going into savings after all.”

I drove up to North Alabama to do some duck hunting and stay with some friends. When I got there, their 6 year old had drew me a picture on that big 1st grade paper with great big lines on it. That was kind of nice. I think I am going to put it up on the fridge.

We had a nice couple of days of hunting and did really well. The last day I was there, we had a surprise birthday party for one of my friends. He didn’t suspect a thing.
When I left, my buddy’s little boy cried because he didn’t want me to leave. It did my heart good to know that someone wants me to be around not because they are my family or friends, but instead just because they like me. Plus, I have always thought that kids are a pretty good judge of character. They can see through the B.S. and will call you on it because they don’t know any better.

Anyway, I am driving back from my duck hunting trip and notice the fuel light is on. I pull into the next available exit and go looking for an ATM. I need to see how much is in my checking account and transfer some money.
After riding around for a good 15 minutes I spot a bank. The checking account was considerably low, as I already knew. It was down to $25. However the savings account gave me a negative balance. OK – that is impossible. First of all I had money in there prior to putting in the check.
Apparently my lovely bank has decided to not only put a hold on my check, but also to put a hold on my entire savings account balance. WTF!!!!
I am in the middle of no where and riding on fumes with only $25 in my checking and no cash to speak of.
I emptied out my checking account to get enough gas to make it to my folks house. Luckily that was enough, other wise I would have had to beg from strangers or call for someone to drive and come get me. By the time I made it back to my parents I had a sore throat. My mom loaned me some money for gas.

New Year’s was nice even though I felt kind of bad. I spent it with my family. We stayed up late and watched the ball drop. We got up the next day and watched some football, repaired some fencing and chased some farm animals into the recently repaired fence. I drove through Birmingham to see a friend and then back to the Gump.

Not long after arriving home I realized that I was coming down with something serious. By this morning I was miserable. But I could not go to the Dr.
Remember – I have no funds available. So I go to the bank and after 20 minutes they sort it out and apologize. I transferred $200 and got some cash.

At the Dr.’s office I find out that I have a case of pneumonia. After the Dr.’s office fee and $260 worth of medication from CVS, I am cleaned out once again.

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