Thursday, January 11, 2007

Governmental lip service or why Grandad's corn squeezin's can't be bought

Several years ago I bought a Ford Ranger Pickup that could run on unleaded gasoline or ethanol (known as E-85) or any mixture of the two fuels. E-85 is a fuel made from corn. It is cheaper than gasoline but does not get as good a gas mileage. I believe that it also less hazardous to the environment. It is pretty much a clean version of moonshine. Apparently Ford got some kind of deal from the government for making a bunch of alternative fuel vehicles. Most people will never run E85 in their vehicle even though it is manufactured to higher tolerances in order to burn the fuel.
So I got curious. The government is all about alternative fuels and saving the environment. I looked at where I could buy E85 – I thought I might give it a shot. I like to save money. And doing good stuff for the environment is always good.
It sounds like a really good idea. There is only one problem. There is not one single place in the entire state that sells E85 to the public. One city has a private pump that they run their vehicles on. The US govt. claims that there are several places in the planning stage. Still, none of these plan on selling to the public.
The closest place to buy E85 is in another state and exactly one tank full of fuel away. I could fill up here. Drive there, fill my tank up with E85, and then drive back. Just before I get home, I could stop and fill up again. Sounds like fun doesn’t it?

Just one more example of how your government evades doing the thing they told you they were doing, all the while patting them selves on the back for doing such a good job for you.

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