Wednesday, November 22, 2006

less than 2 weeks till finals

So it is 4:30 am and I am still up. Oh no, I have not studied in hours, not since midnight. I am just still up thinking about tests and what I need to do instead of getting my sleep and being able to study the way I need to.
The day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving. That beloved time of year where we give thanks for the gifts we have received and give hints of the gifts that we wish to receive a month from now. At this point I am asking for new book bags since mine are falling apart from a year of heavy use and a semester of the heaviest Con Law book ever created. It is more of a weapon than anything, but you have to be a power lifter to wield it against a foe. I actually used it as a door stop once this semester. A heavy door at that.
I will drive up to the parents for a few hours of merriment and several helpings of turkey. We started deep frying them a few years ago instead of baking. I imagine that, folks in the south deep frying something. Who would have figured? I swear if somebody went to the moon and shot the first space creature that jumped from behind a rock- they would bring it back to earth, we would batter it up and deep fry it.
“Hmmmm, tastes like chicken.”

Happy thanksgiving yall.

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