Tuesday, November 28, 2006

6 days till finals

It has come that time in the semester where things no longer make sense.

If you are an average person with only a basic understanding of the material and taking the test you could probably sift through it and do ok. But by the end of the semester your head is so convoluted with the differing rules, caveats, exceptions, and subtle differences that it no longer makes sense.
I am at the point where the sponge is full and any attempt to fill it any more is in vain. I read paragraphs of material 3 or 4 times in order to understand it because my thoughts trail off on the wildest tangents as synapses try to connect information.
The only problem is that now is the time I need these things to be coming together for the tests next week.
On a lighter note, I yelled at some underclassmen outside the library and told them to be quiet. They hung their heads in shame and scampered away (slamming the door on the way out in a vain attempt at rebellion).

The law school was at least 85 degrees today because the ventilation system has been on the fritz since this weekend. Some guys showed up at 5:30pm today and flipped a couple of switches. It was fixed immediately. Hmmm, higher education at it finest.

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