Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Crim. Law

This morning was the last class session of criminal law. Usually a last class session is good for finishing up a subject and then answering some general questions.
At the end of class (if the students feels that the professor is deserving) the students award the professor with a round of applause. The prof. Makes some “aww shucks” looks and leaves hurridly and ashamedly, only to pause in the hallway to gloat in their own admiration.
But today…
My crim law professor decided that we needed to know a great deal of material that was not covered during the semester. Therefore we cover almost as many criminal offenses in a little over an hour as we have covered the entire semester (and not on the syllabus). So add that material to the final. Holy Crap! You just doubled my study load for your class a week before the final. Not only did you just double it. You didn’t explain any of the material enough that it made sense.

The students were so stunned that we just got up and shuffled away. No thank you for the professor lady today. Just stunned silence.
I loved this class all semester. Nobody ever dies from natural causes in crim law. It is just fun. But today changed all that. Now it goes to the bottom of the suck pile. Too bad I already filled out the evaluation.

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