Thursday, November 30, 2006

4 days till finals

I have decided that I am not addicted to caffeine.
It just makes the headaches go away and makes me feel normal.

I tried Starbucks for a while but I was going to have to take out an extra loan to keep it up through finals. There is a coffee pot in the break room at school but the coffee always tastes like an unusuall mixture of stale urine and industrial waste when you make it there. The gas station down the street has excellent coffee. You can get an industrial size cup for $1.75 and you get mix your own.
My mix:
1/2 Columbian
1/4 Blend
1/4 Vanilla Latte
Enough sugar to send a diabetic into shock
Enough cream to make a cow cry
Put it into their usually leaky styrofoam cup
(screw the environment – I NEED HOT COFFEE!)
and then mix it together with a stir stick that is entirely too short. Attach the leaky lid, try to avoid squeezing it to hard when you go out the door, and then hold the precious precarious cargo in your lap because my buddy’s old truck doesn’t have cup holders. We usually make it back to the school with sticky hands and toasty warm crotches.

I once squeezed the cup just wrong after spending my last 2 bucks to buy the coffee. It went everywhere. I felt like Lenny from “Mice and Men”, having just squished my precious pet. I wanted to lick my sticky hand to stay awake but you just have to act a certain way around these high browed law folks.

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