Thursday, November 30, 2006

3 days till finals

Last night I had a bout of insomnia and didn't get to sleep till around 5:30am.
I missed both my crim law review and a study session with some friends.
Did I lay in bed and think constantly about law?
Hell No!
All I could think about was my undergrad biology class.

But now I remember that Adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine are the building blocks of DNA. That has to be usefull to me sometime in the future. NOT!!!!!

Stress sucks.

4 days till finals

I have decided that I am not addicted to caffeine.
It just makes the headaches go away and makes me feel normal.

I tried Starbucks for a while but I was going to have to take out an extra loan to keep it up through finals. There is a coffee pot in the break room at school but the coffee always tastes like an unusuall mixture of stale urine and industrial waste when you make it there. The gas station down the street has excellent coffee. You can get an industrial size cup for $1.75 and you get mix your own.
My mix:
1/2 Columbian
1/4 Blend
1/4 Vanilla Latte
Enough sugar to send a diabetic into shock
Enough cream to make a cow cry
Put it into their usually leaky styrofoam cup
(screw the environment – I NEED HOT COFFEE!)
and then mix it together with a stir stick that is entirely too short. Attach the leaky lid, try to avoid squeezing it to hard when you go out the door, and then hold the precious precarious cargo in your lap because my buddy’s old truck doesn’t have cup holders. We usually make it back to the school with sticky hands and toasty warm crotches.

I once squeezed the cup just wrong after spending my last 2 bucks to buy the coffee. It went everywhere. I felt like Lenny from “Mice and Men”, having just squished my precious pet. I wanted to lick my sticky hand to stay awake but you just have to act a certain way around these high browed law folks.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Crim. Law

This morning was the last class session of criminal law. Usually a last class session is good for finishing up a subject and then answering some general questions.
At the end of class (if the students feels that the professor is deserving) the students award the professor with a round of applause. The prof. Makes some “aww shucks” looks and leaves hurridly and ashamedly, only to pause in the hallway to gloat in their own admiration.
But today…
My crim law professor decided that we needed to know a great deal of material that was not covered during the semester. Therefore we cover almost as many criminal offenses in a little over an hour as we have covered the entire semester (and not on the syllabus). So add that material to the final. Holy Crap! You just doubled my study load for your class a week before the final. Not only did you just double it. You didn’t explain any of the material enough that it made sense.

The students were so stunned that we just got up and shuffled away. No thank you for the professor lady today. Just stunned silence.
I loved this class all semester. Nobody ever dies from natural causes in crim law. It is just fun. But today changed all that. Now it goes to the bottom of the suck pile. Too bad I already filled out the evaluation.

6 days till finals

It has come that time in the semester where things no longer make sense.

If you are an average person with only a basic understanding of the material and taking the test you could probably sift through it and do ok. But by the end of the semester your head is so convoluted with the differing rules, caveats, exceptions, and subtle differences that it no longer makes sense.
I am at the point where the sponge is full and any attempt to fill it any more is in vain. I read paragraphs of material 3 or 4 times in order to understand it because my thoughts trail off on the wildest tangents as synapses try to connect information.
The only problem is that now is the time I need these things to be coming together for the tests next week.
On a lighter note, I yelled at some underclassmen outside the library and told them to be quiet. They hung their heads in shame and scampered away (slamming the door on the way out in a vain attempt at rebellion).

The law school was at least 85 degrees today because the ventilation system has been on the fritz since this weekend. Some guys showed up at 5:30pm today and flipped a couple of switches. It was fixed immediately. Hmmm, higher education at it finest.

Monday, November 27, 2006

one week till finals

One week till finals - I thought I would break the tension with a little funny.
This is the heartless lawyer joke of the week:

One afternoon a wealthy lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw
two men along a country roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered
his driver to stop and he got out to investigate the situation. He
asked one man, "Why are you eating grass?"
"We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to
eat grass."
Shocked, the lawyer said, "Well, then, you can come with me to my
house and I'll feed you."
"But sir. I have a wife and two children with me. They are over
there, under that tree."
Bring them along," the lawyer replied. Turning to the other poor man
he said, "You come with us, too."
The second man said, "But sir, I also have a wife and SIX children
with me!"
"Bring them all!" the lawyer answered. They all jammed into the huge
Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and
said, "Sir, you are too kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you."
Genuinely touched, the lawyer replied, "Glad to do it. You'll really
love my place; the grass is almost a foot high

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

less than 2 weeks till finals

So it is 4:30 am and I am still up. Oh no, I have not studied in hours, not since midnight. I am just still up thinking about tests and what I need to do instead of getting my sleep and being able to study the way I need to.
The day after tomorrow is Thanksgiving. That beloved time of year where we give thanks for the gifts we have received and give hints of the gifts that we wish to receive a month from now. At this point I am asking for new book bags since mine are falling apart from a year of heavy use and a semester of the heaviest Con Law book ever created. It is more of a weapon than anything, but you have to be a power lifter to wield it against a foe. I actually used it as a door stop once this semester. A heavy door at that.
I will drive up to the parents for a few hours of merriment and several helpings of turkey. We started deep frying them a few years ago instead of baking. I imagine that, folks in the south deep frying something. Who would have figured? I swear if somebody went to the moon and shot the first space creature that jumped from behind a rock- they would bring it back to earth, we would batter it up and deep fry it.
“Hmmmm, tastes like chicken.”

Happy thanksgiving yall.