Tuesday, August 15, 2006

that guy

Suddenly there he is again
That guy
You know the guy I’m talking about.
A little older – maybe back in back in law school after a long hiatus – maybe here for the first time – maybe he retired or something
He talks all the time. He raises his hand or has a comment at least half a dozen times in every class. Sometimes he does so with only minutes left in class. He always has a question. He always has an answer.
He is the hyperactive old guy.
He is excited to be here, and he shows it. He is, in his mind, is the comeback kid.
There is only one small problem. Everybody already hates him.
I really want to sit him down and talk to him and explain what he needs not to do, but I don’t really care enough about him to do it. On the other hand, if I do not, I will have to sit in class with him and be annoyed every day. Oh the delima. Do I stand back and watch this guy commit social suicide or do I talk with him. It probably won’t do any good anyway. And if I do talk to him, I immediately become a friend to him and he will talk to me all the time. I don’t want to talk to him all the time. I don’t even want to know him. I just want him to not annoy me every day for the rest of the semester.

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