Saturday, August 05, 2006

confessions of a low GPA law student

So finals for the summer are over and in just a few days we re-embark on a brand new year of law school.
I can’t say that I am particularly ready but I am excited.
There are still some things up in the air concerning my schedule for this coming year. After a year of part time law school, I am poised to enter this year as a full time student. There is only one tiny hiccup.
My iron fisted dean still holds my schedule in her hands. Depending on this summer’s grades, I will either be back in part time or in full time.

I can’t say that I blame the law school in not wanting a part time student to switch to full time status, particularly in the second year. By moving to full time, I will be taking two 1L classes. This will close a seat to an incoming 1L in those classes and therefore effectively close an entire 1L slot. This reduces the incoming 1L class by exactly one person. To make things worse, a handful of my fellow part time students have made the same decision.

Here is the funny part
Grades are due in AFTER classes start. WTF! What are they gonna do? Let me start taking the classes and then bump me back if needed?
I can see it now:
“Hi, we hate to interrupt your class professor, but we have a kid in here that isn’t smart enough to be here. Let me see. Oh yes, there he is. The big dumb looking fellow sitting 3rd row from the back - The one in flip flops – looking surprised – the one trying to look smart and doing a really bad job of it – yes that one.
Have him bathed to see if you can remove the smell of stupidity and bring him to the faculty suite. We will put him in a cage and poke sticks at him. You may want to have someone escort him. Otherwise the poor dumb SOB will likely get lost. Someone that stupid should not be left alone. He may hurt himself. Why is he not wearing a helmet anyway?”

I have to check in with the Dean next week and we will find out.
By the way – my room mate is in the same boat.
So we sit and wait.

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