Friday, August 04, 2006

Finals are done. Went to go see a band tonight called "Rehab"
Check 'em out on Myspace!

I felt really good because I had just finished my last final. The bouncer tried to stop me but I walked right by like I own the place and he never said another word.
(Confidence saved me a $15 dollar cover charge - I rock!!)

They had the best song lyrics ever

"She broke my heart in the trailer park
so I jacked the keys to her f'n' car
And Crashed the peice of s*&^!!!!

then I stepped awaaaaaaaay"

or then agian there was

"I got a drinkin' problem maaaan
I got one mouth and two hands

and an empty can"

My friend Ed found it appropriate and funny to give my phone number to some really big girl and then charge me $5 for a hat that the Miller guys gave him for free (but I really wanted it). I am going to his house tommorrow and drink enough of his beer to pay for it.

I am home.
I am happy.
I am relieved. One more rounds of finals is over.

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