Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Starting my second year of law school

As of Friday, my iron fisted dean relinquished her hold my schedule and I was allowed to complete registration for this fall (this fall being Monday). I am now a full time law student. My room mate faired similarly and is moving to full time as well.

Monday brings about a new year, a new set of obstacles, and a new set of people to either make friends with or grind under my heel.
If the thought of grinding people under your heel makes you laugh – then you are an extreme overbearing “type A” weirdo - and there are some things that you should know:
A. Nobody likes you.
B. Everybody hates you.
C. You should just go eat worms.

I still have a few 1L classes to take. We start fresh in three classes with incoming 1Ls and have two classes with the returning 2Ls. I guess this makes me something like a 1.5L (I think I had a Honda once with that engine).
But that means a whole new set of faces to get used to and also to have to put up with.
Unfortunately in alienates me from the group of students with whom I started night classes. (There have been a few that have voiced there disapproval because of the tight bond that the group has formed. We didn’t have ANY of the proverbial backstabbing and infighting over grades. Nobody tried to screw each other over with false info or holding back critical info. All the same, it is just too bad. I am not going to law school to make them happy.) It also alienates us a little from the incoming 1Ls. I am torn between being really nice & making new friends by helping them, or letting them squirm and suffer as I did.
In the end I suppose it will be a little of both. After all, I have stuff to do.

This semester looks to be loads of fun and hard work. For some strange reason I am looking forward to it. I am not excited in the traditional nerdy sense of being happy to be in school
But more in the way of:
Each class being part of the puzzle to take the final,
Each final being part of the puzzle to finish law school,
Law school being the part of the puzzle required to take the bar.
The bar being the part of the puzzle that makes me able to start practicing.
I know it is all a long way off, but I have to remember what I am here for.
Surprisingly if you concentrate too much on the end goal you end up missing the ball in front of your face and your goal will move that much further away.

So on the first day of class we sit through the thing where all the 1Ls have to stand up and tell who they are and some interesting fact that makes them great. Instead of listening to everybody I take the time to make a list of all the hot 1L girl’s names as they speak and a quick note so that I can talk to them later on.

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