Tuesday, September 26, 2006


OK. So maybe I have not logged in and updated my blog as often as I really need to. But hey, that is the life in law school. Everything else suffers for the good of the cause.

I have been so out of touch that I didn’t realize that apparently spinach is killing people.
That’s right. I said it. Spinach is killing people. At least that is what I was told.
It all started innocently enough at a recent cook out with my family who I went up to visit on an odd weekend. I asked my sister if she made ‘that spinach dip”? She acted appalled and responded with an exasperated “Don’t you know that spinach will kill you!”
No as a matter of fact I did not. I knew spinach could kill your taste buds with blandness and blah, but I did not know that it would kill you, kill you.
I have never like spinach and spinach has never liked me.
I have had a grudge against spinach for years and now it had come to a head. Spinach had finally made public the fact that it was out to get me. For a moment I didn’t know how. Maybe it would be a drive by at the farmer’s market or perhaps a convenient “slip and fall” on the produce isle. And what if Spinach didn’t kill me but only maimed me and turned me into “gasp” – A vegetable!

Much to my surprise spinach isn’t exactly running around with knives exacting revenge by killing unsuspecting teenagers as they attempt to make party dip. It has something to do with E. Coli bacteria.
The only spinach that I have ever eaten was in dip. And to be real honest, the dip might have been better with out it. So now I have a reason not to have to ever eat spinach again.
The thing that is sticking in my craw is that spinach really was out there gunning for me the whole time. I’ll have to learn to keep my vegetable enemies under a closer watch.
The next time I am with a girl who offers me something that looks vaguely like spinach and says “Here, try this.” I can ask what it is and when she replies “spinach”. I can slap it out of her hand and yell “Good God don’t you know that stuff is deadly? You’re lucky that I was here to save you!”
Goodbye forever you vile weed.

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