Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So how about an update???

So how about an update.
I mean. I reckon it is about time.
Summer was blur. I attended class and spent a lot of time on the road traveling back and forth between School and a small town in Georgia where my girlfriend lives. I have not had much time to spare so I have not posted in quite a while.
Generally here are the updates to my life.
I have a girlfriend. Her name is Crystal. She is a hottie and a red head.(with fiery temper to spare) It is going GREAT.
I also have a new room mate. His name is “Jake” (not to be confused with me – yes I know it is confusing – get over it).

Jake is a chocolate 9 week old Labrador Retriever. I have never seen a “Labrador” but Jake assures me that he could retrieve it if I had one. Retrieving a Labrador must be very tiring because he usually sleeps all the time. I guess he is saving up his energy in case someone has a Labrador in need of rescuing.
Ok. Ok. So I caved a little on Crystal’s whole “We need a puppy” thing.
Jake has giant paws (read that as he wont be a tiny puppy for long), sharp puppy teeth, and chews on any and all things. This includes all inanimate objects as well as anything living that does not whack him on the nose. If he can get it or any part of you in his mouth, he WILL chew on it. He sleeps almost constantly when he is not eating, chewing, or going crazy or halfway fetching a tennis ball. He also is the quickest p’er in the world. I swear you can take the dog out and bring him back in and he will have p’d twice before you can hang up the leash. - Jake may occasionally think his name is “bad dog” because of this.
Apparently Jake is also a latchkey dog / child because he stays on the road between here and my girlfriend’s house in GA. Crystal has unsupervised visitation privileges later on this week.

These next two weeks are going to be hectic.
Crystal is a horse person (NO she is NOT part horse). Her family has always had horses and she shows American Saddlebred horses. She is showing at the World Championship in Louisville, KY. So we will be on the road between school, GA, and Louisville a great deal between now and the end of the month.

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