Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Things that I learned by studying the law today

Things that I learned by studying the law today:

1. Strippers are not necessarily contractors but are probably considered employees. Regardless of whether or not they provide their own costumes (or lack thereof).
2. A stripper’s body is not considered a “major item of equipment” in regards to workers compensation claims for injuries arising from and in the course of employment at the "Hide-Out Saloon".
3. Particularly if the injury is a gunshot wound from a disgruntled patron of the “performing arts”.
754 P.2d 444

Don't you just love law school?


Anonymous said...

Love the Picture. I started a Blog of my own and posting a link to your blog. My blog is ReasonablyCalculated.blogspot.

Olan Scott said...

Whats Up? It is Scott. I like the picture. I started a blog and posted a link to your site. If you want to check it out it is ReasonablyCalculated.blogspot.com