Monday, October 23, 2006

6 weeks to finals

So tomorrow morning starts the 6 weeks run to finals.
Here is where the rubber really starts to meet the road and the studying and preparation are essential to the continued existence of all who embark on this path.
In other words: I have 6 weeks to get my shit wired up tight.
I have learned from stuff in the past.
Right now I have no steady girlfriend. We will keep it that way. Experience has taught me the hard way that chicks love to cause drama the week before finals. (One in particular, but she is currently many miles away). My life is currently drama free and I prefer to keep it that way until after finals.
Eating right and staying healthy now become important. Finals time is a period where stress wears on your body. Not eating healthy because you are always rushed for time multiplies the problem (not to mention flu season being on it’s way) mean that if I let myself get wore down just before finals then I walk in there not at my best. So junk food needs to be a thing left over for after finals.
Beer – the great equalizer; motivator; inhibition releaser; sexual aid; tension reducer; beloved toxin – has to be parted with for a short while. I can’t deal with the residual cobwebs in my head that seem to last for days after a bender.
Caffeine – oh you sweet darling. Come to me now my friend in the form of Starbucks coffee. We will become one. To you I swear allegiance.
Life – goodbye as I know it. Hello Library.

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