Friday, October 17, 2008

Worst job interview ever

I am looking for a job.
I moved to Georgia shortly before I graduated in August. Because I missed the July bar by about 3 weeks, I have to wait on the February bar next year.
Ok, so I am not a lawyer yet and am looking for work in a law office. A couple of things were really promising, but fell through at the last minutes. I have resorted to going door to door to door at law offices submitting my resume. Which I believe is usually put into the circular file beside the receptionist / gatekeeper’s desk (trashcan) because she doesn’t want anyone invading her precious space.
Ok, so at this point I just need a freaking job. NOW!!!

I got a reply from some unknown job that I had sent a resume in for at some point. This just goes to show you that the internet is not always your friend.

It was someone wanting to move from what she said was a very successful internet based business that she operated out of her home, to an actual business location and start selling products in a store. She told me all about it over the phone and it sounded very promising. Essentially she was looking for someone to get the business up and running while she handled the online portion and also looked into opening a second location right away. It all sounded very legitimate and the woman talked a good game.
So I went to meet her after hours so that we could discuss the job in person. I took Crystal, my wife, with me.
We met her at a store near her home and immediately things looked suspicious. She was not what you would call professional looking. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt because she had stated that was one of her problems and wanted a person with a professional demeanor to set up her operation. She pointed to some nearby store fronts that were currently in use and said that the owners were willing to remodel it for her and it would be ready in two weeks. (Gee, that is funny because there are already stores there. I don’t see them packing up boxes to move.) She said that she had a few other possible locations that she was looking at.
Anyway, we follow her to her home to take a look at what her plan is for the job. We get to her home and the second alarm bell goes off. It is not a nice place. But it has a garage and I figure that is probably where she does all of her shipping.
We follow her into a smoke filled house with children everywhere and I am alarmed. I look for a way out but it is too late. She dismisses it and says that this is the reason that she needs a more professional location from which to do business. At this point there is no turning back. We follow her to a room she calls her office and she unlocks the door. It is little more than a bedroom with a computer desk. And it isn’t nice.
At this point I am looking for a way out but I want to be nice about it. This lady is crazy and I don’t want to alarm her. Crystal is giving me wide eyed scared looks and I talk to the lady for a few minutes as she makes wild promises that she could not possible even dream of fulfilling. I told her it was something I would have to think about and made up an excuse to leave.
The woman was obviously crazy.
I tried not to spin the tires as we pulled away. Crystal is immediately on the phone to her mother telling her about the danger I had just put her baby daughter in. Crystal swears up and down that it was a meth lab house. I think the lady was just crazy. Either way, it was scary.

Heed these words if you are in law school.
Go to your career office and make them find you a job!!!!!!
Stay on them. They are there to find you a job. Make them work. Apply for everything. Until you pass the bar you are “persona non grata” everywhere. You will be over qualified because you will have a JD. You don’t qualify for most paralegal / legal assistant jobs because they want someone with paralegal / legal assistant experience and someone that will have longevity if they are hired. You cant practice as a lawyer until you have the bar results back. You will be in Nowhereville until then.
The economy is in the dumpster. No one is hiring. Even the staffing agencies don’t have positions. And if they do, you don’t qualify.
If you have a lawyer in the family, start pestering them now. Have a job waiting. If you don’t have that and you are moving out of state after graduation and if you have a while until you take the bar, welcome to my world.

It is hard not to become cynical when you hand over your resume to the squinty eyed receptionists who view you as an interloper onto their precious soil. They have established a very secure and powerful little nest. She will defend it with all her might. She will not easily open the doors that you need opened, and quite likely, she will be as helpful as an angry cobra loose in your house. Beware of the guardians of the gate. I know of at least one lawyer whom I know did not receive my resume after I gave it to the receptionist / gatekeeper.

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