Thursday, October 02, 2008


First there was “Desilu”, then “Benifer” and “Billary”, then “Tomkat”. The list goes on of famous couples.

A couple of weeks ago we got back (for the second time) a small poodle that we had given away. Give something away, if it comes back to you it is yours. Give it away again, and if it comes back to you, you are stuck with it.
Buddy is my wife Crystal’s dog from when she lived at home. He had been living at her parents house. She gave him away shortly before we got married. Something happened, we got him back, and then we gave him away again to a couple that worked on the farm. When they left, among other things, they also left Buddy. So we got him back and I guess he is here to stay. And that is fine. She loves hime and he loves her.
Only one little problem. We have a lab that is a little over a year old. A while back Crystal made the statement “I want a puppy.” I had always wanted a lab. So we got one. He is a mess. He has been at a professional trainer since May. He is now supposed to be able to pick up ducks that I shoot. As often as I get to go duck hunting, he may forget before he gets to do it again.
Anyway, Buddy got used to the house and us. Then Jake came home last night. He is MUCH bigger than he was when he left. He is like a big cow running around in the house. And Buddy doesn’t like it. Jake is big, bouncy, slobbery, chews up everything, but is totally harmless. Buddy is tiny, growly, and every since I took him to the barn and clipped him the other day, hairless. Buddy looks like a big naked ferret until his hair grows out.
They are learning to get along. Slowly!!
Buddy thinks of Jake as big nasty intruder. Jake thinks of Buddy as a stuffed toy.
It will eventually work itself out. Until then, stuff keeps falling mysteriously off shelves and Buddy growls at Jake continuously.
But like it or not, the Labrador retriever and toy poodle are going to have to learn how to get along. Like it or not, they are a couple.
Thus, in the current spirit of giving celebrity couples a name all their own. I have deemed these two “Labradoodle”.

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