Tuesday, October 02, 2007

At last! An update!

I guess that it being so long in between updates that I have lost a lot of my readers.
The fact is that I have been so busy that I have not really updated like I should. I mean, come on. This is a blog about law school. Or is it.
I have questioned myself as to what exactly this thing is. And the answer is that I don’t know.
But I guess the best thing to do is put some updates up so that you can know what is going on with me and at the law school and law school life in general.

Ok so here is a personal update:
Jake the puppy (mentioned in an earlier post) continues to grow at an exponential rate. It is funny how I don’t seem to notice this but people who only get to seem him every week or so really are amazed at how fast he is growing. I started noticing when I picked him up the other day and he was much heavier than I remember. Plus he occasionally has an accident inside (occasionally Ha! – it is a constant battle – I am trying to crate train / house break him). These “little” accidents look more like a fat man snuck in and took a stinker on the rug. I am amazed that an animal that small can leave a pile that big. I have decided that it can't be him doing it. It is obviously someone sneaking in and playing a practical joke on me. I would blame it on my girlfriend but the pile is occasionally larger than she is and I don’t think she has a wheel barrow to bring that much dung up the stairs.

We (me and Crystal) have been spending a lot of time on weekends at her family’s barn and at horse shows. (We took Jake and he got more attention that most of the horses. I think I am going to take a litter of muts to the next show and see how much I can sell them to for. Come on. If daddy will buy his little princes a pony what is stopping him from peeling off a couple of hundred for a puppy.
Q: “Do they come with papers?”
A: “Sure, you get your choice of USA today or the Wal-Street journal
Who knows. Maybe I can pay off my student loans.

I started learning how to ride a horse. I mean most people can ride a horse in the sense that you sit on top of it and as long as you don’t fall off you can say that you can ride a horse. I’m talking about riding it the right way. The way you control a American Saddlebred show horse and the way you control an old trail riding nag are as different as driving a car and driving a car with a stick shift. The idea is the same, but the way it works takes a lot more to learn much less master. We took break from this until after the show season ends next week but…
Here is a picture of Crystal giving me some pointers. By the way, the horse’s name is "Lilly".

Speaking of Crystal and the horses. During August we went to the World Championships in Louisville, KY. I showed two of the weanling (less than a year old horses) with Crystal at the World Championships. She didn’t win that class. After watching the video I have decided that it had something to do with me looking like a was fresh off the short bus out there in the show ring with her.

Her and her father showed one of the horses together. It was a 2 year old in hand halter class (this means they led the horse around the ring without a rider and that he is 2 years old). How did they do you ask?
Well they won. That’s right, “I’m in command” (or Junior as we call him) won the class and is now Word Champion.
By the way. If you ask Crystal how many different world championships she has won she will loose count but let’s just say that if your girl friend has won a dozen or so world championships at ANYTHING, you can give me a call and be part of my “My girlfriend is a multi-time world champion club”. Not that I am bragging or anything.

Anyway, here is a picture of Crystal and her dad (I think Crystal got cut out of this pic) and the word Champion “I’m in Command”.

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