Thursday, May 03, 2007

Studying at Cumberland

Taking a quick break from studying.
I came up to Birmingham to try to get away for a few days to study for finals. If I stay at my school I get a lot of people coming in at odd times on their individual study breaks who want to chat for a few minutes or are looking for an outline or some help. That is all very nice, but after a while it gets to be a distraction. So I drove up to Birmingham for a few days. It was hard to try and find a really quiet place. I tried the local university but the undergrad library was really loud and busy.
On a whim I called another law school and taadaa. Here I sit typing to you in the Cumberland School of law Library on Samford's campus. It is very nice. Lots of study space and nobody knows me. So they won’t talk to me or want to borrow study material. Plus they are in the middle of finals and it is very quiet. The only draw back is, if I need something I don’t really have as quick access to it. But I need time alone with my outlines and study aids.
Finals start Monday! I’m trying not to freak out too bad
So long from Birmingham for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I have finally had a chance to catch up on your blog, and realized apparently much of your "study time" is spent playing....anyway I'll try and stay on top of your posts again.