Friday, May 11, 2007

Middle of finals

Sorry for the lack of posts.
I am in the middle of finals.
However there is only one left to go and I have several days to prepare. So I am not overly stressed about it. We will see how that holds up as it gets closer to time to take it.
The class is Bus. Admin. and is a 4 hour credit course. So it weights pretty heavy on this semester’s grades. I have one class that is only two hours credit. This one is worth double. I know that is common sense, but it is something to think about.
The stress roller coaster has not been as bad this semester but it is still there. Other things always seem do be haunting the back of your mind. Like a personal relationship, rent being due (I’ve got to run that by the office), what exactly will I have time and the money to do in my break before summer classes start in a week and half after this semester ends, and the totally lack of a personal life that has become me during finals.

So that is the deal. Finals suck. Time is at a premium but seems to move too slow at times. The world is moving by without you for the time being. And everything else seems to be up in the air.

So I probably wont post again until after finals unless I feel a strong urge to complain or have some curious thought that I need to share.
Good luck to all my brethren in the heat of finals. And goodnight.

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