Sunday, May 20, 2007

Finals are over

So that’s it.
Finals are over with.
Which is a bit strange.
I feel oddly uneasy.
After so much time working alone and thinking of nothing but the law (and those annoying little things pester your mind while you are trying to think about the law – you know like: the rent is due, or “I have fish? I wonder who has been feeding them?”

I feel odd and out of place.
I have talked to so many of my friends that feel the same way about it as I do.
I hear the same comment time and again, “I don’t have any social skills left.”
In a crowd they are easy to spot. Dark circles under each eye. Talking to anyone who will listen about something related to law school. Others claim they don’t want to talk about it at all, but always end up doing it anyway.

We all need some time to assimilate back into everyday society. I wish I had more time to do so. The world feels a little self centered and narcissistic. Which is probably how many of us were perceived during finals because we were so single minded in our focus.
The world has passed you by and all of a sudden you have just a little while to get on the ride. The only problem is the ride is moving faster than the last what you remember and it looks like there are not any empty seats left. For some reason the time off between semesters is a time in which I have made big plans to do certain things that are usually dashed on the rocks of other people’s whims. I think I will simply take it easy and try my best to assimilate back into society (for a little while), wait for the summer semester to start, try to learn a little guitar until my fingers hurt and I give it up for the day, and wait on my student loan to make me un-broke again for a little while.

The new summer semester will start for me soon. Initially (and hopefully) it will start with a slow roll and not an incredibly fast pace. Spring semester grades are due to come in probably about the time that the semester starts. Everyone is on “grade watch” everyday. I am sure that I will get several calls as soon as the first one is posted. I will try to resist looking until then. (Secretly I know I will check multiple times every single day.)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Middle of finals

Sorry for the lack of posts.
I am in the middle of finals.
However there is only one left to go and I have several days to prepare. So I am not overly stressed about it. We will see how that holds up as it gets closer to time to take it.
The class is Bus. Admin. and is a 4 hour credit course. So it weights pretty heavy on this semester’s grades. I have one class that is only two hours credit. This one is worth double. I know that is common sense, but it is something to think about.
The stress roller coaster has not been as bad this semester but it is still there. Other things always seem do be haunting the back of your mind. Like a personal relationship, rent being due (I’ve got to run that by the office), what exactly will I have time and the money to do in my break before summer classes start in a week and half after this semester ends, and the totally lack of a personal life that has become me during finals.

So that is the deal. Finals suck. Time is at a premium but seems to move too slow at times. The world is moving by without you for the time being. And everything else seems to be up in the air.

So I probably wont post again until after finals unless I feel a strong urge to complain or have some curious thought that I need to share.
Good luck to all my brethren in the heat of finals. And goodnight.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Studying at Cumberland

Taking a quick break from studying.
I came up to Birmingham to try to get away for a few days to study for finals. If I stay at my school I get a lot of people coming in at odd times on their individual study breaks who want to chat for a few minutes or are looking for an outline or some help. That is all very nice, but after a while it gets to be a distraction. So I drove up to Birmingham for a few days. It was hard to try and find a really quiet place. I tried the local university but the undergrad library was really loud and busy.
On a whim I called another law school and taadaa. Here I sit typing to you in the Cumberland School of law Library on Samford's campus. It is very nice. Lots of study space and nobody knows me. So they won’t talk to me or want to borrow study material. Plus they are in the middle of finals and it is very quiet. The only draw back is, if I need something I don’t really have as quick access to it. But I need time alone with my outlines and study aids.
Finals start Monday! I’m trying not to freak out too bad
So long from Birmingham for now.