Saturday, July 29, 2006


Welcome to Law of the Gump.
The name comes from Montgomery, AL. Where I am attending law school at the recently ABA accredited Thomas Goode Jones School of Law on Faulkner University. Boy that is a long name. From now on it is Just "Jones" or "Jones Law"
Why Montgomery is called "the Gump" I have no idea. But it is, and that is the way it is.

I will post on here as needed to rant or just tell stories about law school. You might like it.
You might not.
I dont care. It is my blog.


ps A little disclaimer
I just ran across a blog called "Gump's Law" from some fine folks in Law School at the great University of Alabama. Roll Tide!
This blog is not affiliated in anyway and the similarity in names is by accident. Their name has something to due with Forest Gump. Mine is strictly because that is Montgomery's un-official nick name.

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