Anyone who knows me knows that I hate drama. I hate drama queens. I hate people who thrive on drama. I hate the people who thrive on causing other people drama. I hate dramatic readings. Heck, I even hate the name “Johnny Drama” from the show Entourage. I won’t be practicing family law because that would involve “my baby’s daddy” drama, which is the worst kind of Jerry Springer drama and only one step above “a clown touched me on my no-no spot at my 7th birthday party” drama.
But it seems like nothing I do at law school and nothing I see at law school is drama free.
You see, Jones is a small law school (about 100 incoming 1Ls) on a small campus. Law school is just one of those things that force you to be around people that you don’t like and situations that you would rather not be in. There is just so much time that has to be spent at the school that you have little choice but to just endure it - drama and all. Because it is so small, you know all the drama. And we have more than our share.
I can’t figure out how to explain the drama without going into infinite detail and thus reliving the drama all over again. So I will just say this:
There was a misunderstanding
That turned into a full out sorority bitch fest
And “Al Gore” style drama ensued.
I may have said something that might institute more drama (that I was semi-sorry for saying)
Also I dropped out of running for an office in my law fraternity because my GPA was in the “questionable zone”. And that was more drama that I didn’t need.
My life is an open book people. You see me here and this is me. Drama free.
That last thing is totally BS – Drama follows me like a lost puppy.
Heck that is why you read this thing, because my drama is… well the crap is kind of funny. And it makes your drama seem… well, so much less like drama that it makes it ok. And while I may stretch the truth to make the story more appealing, I won’t lie to you.
Unless you bring up some useless drama -
At which point I will pretend that my phone is vibrating and that I have to answer it.
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