Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A job and some paint

Job search:
I have not yet taken the bar and the bar exam is months away. Much less the fact that the results are not available for a couple of months after that and assuming you passed, you cant hang out a shingle to try to start making your own money as a lawyer until then. Nobody likes lawyers and nobody hires lawyers that are not lawyers yet.
There was one public defender job position that looked really great. But when I talked to the PD office today they said there was a “oodles” of resumes that came in for the job. My guess is that somewhere in those oodles there is an already licensed lawyer or two who just might knock me out of getting the job.
Then again there is the temporary (till Feb next year) judges secretary position that is open and I have high hopes for. It is a longshot, but still, it is a longshot with great pay.

Non-legal job search:
The guys from
http://barelylegalblog.blogspot.com/ had it absolutely correct when they discussed non-legal jobs straight out of law school. You would think that a doctorate level degree would open some doors. Nope! The harsh truth is this:
Don't fool yourself, you are absolutely an entry-level candidate
No, a J.D. does not mean it is easy to find a J.O.B. I'm not even qualified to be a substitute teacher because I missed the mandatory substitute teacher "training course".

I have redoubled my efforts. Ok, so I am it is more than that. I spend most of the day scouring the internet and sending out resumes. The only real prospect is one guy who wants me to sell insurance in downtown Atlanta. Oh, did I neglect to mention the fantastic commission structure that pays zilch. I have never even heard of the insurance company.

Why would I spend every waking moment doing this? Well, we have bills to pay and I need a job, but there was another tiny matter. There was a little fire. Ok, it wasn’t so little. I pretty much scorched half the kitchen and ruined the stove and microwave. Every one thinks I am an idiot for nearly burning down the house. It is not like this is a regular occurrence. I have been cooking since I was 11 years old and there has never been a similar incident. Well, there was one incident involving some fried hot dogs when I was 12. But that did not compare to this.

I was making dinner and my brother in law called. I walked out of the room to look something up for him and when I was done I thought I smelled something cooking. Well, I though I must have turned to stove on by accident. I walked around the corner expecting to see a hot stove eye and that be about it. Nope. That wasn’t it at all. I had left cooking oil in a pan on the eye. When I walked around the corner, the entire wall of the kitchen was in black smoke and flames were already reaching the ceiling. I tried not to panic and reached for the fire extinguisher. THERE WASN’T ONE! So maybe then I started to panic a little.

To make a long and painful story short: We had just finished putting out the fire and I was almost done barfing up the smoke I had inhaled when the fire trucks got there.
The microwave was melted and part of the stove is too. The cabinets are scorched and we have smoke damage. But other than that damage and the clean up, the house is ok. I’ll have to prime and repaint the kitchen, ceiling and walls.

I don’t really know how to sum it all up right now except to say this:

Ok, so I really don’t know how to say something to put it all in a neat little box for you. I don’t have anything positive to leave you with. I don’t have any nuggets of personal vindication. I don’t have any sunny outlooks.
I just need a job…. and some paint.

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