Monday, January 14, 2008


We got Jake neutered over Christmas break because we thought that it would help with a lot of problems such as him humping and aggressiveness, etc… After discovering that there is a wide disparity in prices for getting the dog fixed we finally settled on a traveling vet clinic that was tied in with Tractor Supply Company. It was at least half the price of most of the vets that we called and about a quarter of the price of at least one vet.
Anyway, he had stitches that we couldn’t get wet for about two weeks. Which meant that Jake didn’t have to suffer through any baths but also that the didn’t get to go swimming (a favorite Labrador pup activity). So when the next door neighbor kids wanted to hold Jake’s leash the following ensued:

Me: “You can hold his leash but don’t let him get into the pond because he has stitches.”
Kid: “What is wrong with him?”
Me: “We got him fixed.”
Kid: “Yea, but what was wrong with him.”
Me: “We got him fixed.”
Kid: “Yea, duh, I know. Because he has stitches. But what was wrong with him.”
Me: Oooohhhh. Well we got him fixed so he cant have puppies.
Kid: “But he is a boy dog. He can’t have puppies anyway.”
Me: Blank stare.
Kid: “Moooooooooommmmmmm?!?!”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog as I just started one of my own! Glad to see you are doing well! I am going to add you to my links!