Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Things that I learned by studying the law today

Things that I learned by studying the law today:

1. Strippers are not necessarily contractors but are probably considered employees. Regardless of whether or not they provide their own costumes (or lack thereof).
2. A stripper’s body is not considered a “major item of equipment” in regards to workers compensation claims for injuries arising from and in the course of employment at the "Hide-Out Saloon".
3. Particularly if the injury is a gunshot wound from a disgruntled patron of the “performing arts”.
754 P.2d 444

Don't you just love law school?

Much ado about nothing

I got a lot of grief form folks wanting to know exactly what I was talking about in the rumor mill blog but it will suffice to say that (Long story short): At least two partial stories about me got pieced together to be one full story that didn’t jive with what the truth is. Like any law school gossip (or any rumor for that matter) it was meshed with a little bit of truth, a little bit of innuendo, and a little bit of misperception. And if it is remotely juicy… it spreads like wildfire.

And that is just what gossip is. When people tell what they heard for the gospel truth. When it is told enough times (or by the right people) it is just believed to be the truth and the person who is being spoken about just winds up being the one that pays the price.

The blog ends up being a place to vent sometimes when your voice doesn’t seem like it is getting heard elsewhere. That is what makes this place great. The fact that people occasionally read it that need to see my side of the story is a great plus.

So on to better things.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm back

So summer school is now in session. Sorry for the lack of posts during finals and right afterward. Summer classes seem to drag on a little slower, so I will have more opportunities to post. Stay tuned.