We just got back from the World Championship Horse show in Kentucky. The horse show is during the KY state fair which makes for some interesting problems but plenty to look at and do. We came home with one reserve championship (that is what people in the horse show world call second place – if you had any horse sense you would have know that – LOL I crack myself up sometimes – horse – sense – get it? – ok – not that funny)
Anyway, out of all that we showed we wound up with the one ribbon which is good because it is the world championship but bad because we expected to do better. We were gone for over a week. It is good to be at home again. It was fun, but I was tired of living out of a suitcase in a hotel. Try eating at a state fair everyday for a week and you will learn to appreciate a good old peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I am currently looking for a job in the legal community. Which is harder than it sounds for a law graduate who has not yet taken the bar exam. Most job search engines like yahoo or monster are of little help unless you have already passed the bar or live in a downtown metropolitan area. I am preparing to send out resumes by the pound and to emails by the dozens.
The school sent an email saying that our diplomas were ready. I drove down yesterday to pick them up. They are huge. We took them to get framed immediately. I chose a frame the size of a bed sheet with lots of matting. Crystal and her mom kind of frowned on it because it would have taken a whole steel reinforced wall to hold it up. I wound up with a more sensible size frame, it was only the size of pillow and will only require part of a regular wall to hold it up.
We got to pick up our diplomas early because the next graduation is not until the spring and after the bar exam results are back. I guess they wanted us to be able to hang something up on our office wall before then so that clients will actually believe that we went to law school.