Friday, May 30, 2008

Catch up

So there has been a long time with little writing because of the extremely busy semester that I had. It was my last full term semester. I had 5 classes, 2 of which were practical skills classes, plus I was writing a rigorous paper (which the law school equivalent of a doctorial thesis). What little time I did have was usually spent traveling back and forth between Georgia and Montgomery.
But now here we are.
Lets catch you up.

1. We got married March 15th and then ran away to the Bahamas over spring break for a honeymoon. We stayed on one of the out islands (Abaco) and had a great time.

2. The semester sucked but it is now over.

3. During the semester I conducted a mock trial during my trial advocacy class against three other students. It went fairly well. I stayed on my feet despite some heavy hits and one low blow. (Their witness lied and kept out a key piece of evidence.)

4. I learned a hard lesson that you can either learn from me now or learn the hard way later. Here it is: When you take a trial ad. class, force the other party to either stipulate to every little thing that you could imagine would make the trial go awry. If they wont stipulate to it, they have a dirty trick planned. Plan to call as many witnesses as needed to get the evidence in and tell them that you plan to do so unless they relent with their little plan. Trial ad is meant to test your court room skills, not your backroom schemes.

5. Hard lesson number 2: Do not write your rigorous writing as an independent study. Take a class, get the grade and the coaching that comes with it. Writing an academic paper completely on your own with no guidance at all sucks!

6. I am now no longer have a permanent residence in the state of AL. Me moved immediately after finals were over. I turned in my apartment keys yesterday.

7. I am now interning / externing (whichever you want to call it) with the Public Defender office in GA. If I am not done with my hours by June 23rd , I will be participating in a murder trial with 3 defendants.

7. I finish with law school at the end of this summer. Currently I am taking one class (advanced legal research) and the internship. This is good because I will be done with my course requirements by July, but is not good because I now have to wait until Feb. to take the bar exam. This means that I wont get the bar results back until almost a year from now.

8. I need a job.